Sunday, October 17, 2010

who are we?

Arini ada study circle n pasal diri cenggitu lah.the part yg plg interesting was the part yg personality test yg ada one of the sister I wrote it down here ok

Close your eyes(not sure whether this one is necessary or not.up to the person). Jap,saya translate to malay trus ea.hehe.Bayangkan korg g pantai and korg nmpk pintu.pintu yg korg nmpk tu bentuk dy mcm mane? Then jalan lagi masuk dalam satu pondok ni,and dalam dia ada korg bygkan bentuk meja tu mcm mne?then ada jug atas meja tu.ap shape dy?dalam jug tu ada air,air tu takat mane? Korg kuar dari pndok tu,jalan lagi n nmpk ad tasik dpn tu. Dalam tasik ad gold coin.korg amik ke x?jalan lagi n nmpk castle?mcm mne gmbrn castle tu?then jalan lagi ad bridge dpn korg.bridge tu dibuat dari ap?depan bridge tu ad box,sbesar mane box tu yg korg imagine?then jalan lagi korg nmpk kuda.kuda tu kaler ap? Then,suddenly ad storm n korg pegi kt mne?naek kuda n run?r g bwh bridge?r g castle?

Slmt mncuba..setiap jwpn yg korg imagine kan tu mggambarkan our personality. When I tried it,most of it btol. I don’t kno whether this is a new type of scientism ke ap, tp some of it btol gak la wth our personality.kwn2 pn ad yg mke terkjot time dgr tu.ak plak terkejot ad sedih ad..macam macam ada!haha

ptg td turun maen bsketball ngn key,naim,nawal, ngn belldapat knal sakinah and her friend,shahirah. around 6.30 bru leh start men as xcukup player.tu pn 3on3 tau.macam besa,have fun sangat except for tangan yg terluka kena bola.stlh bebas plaster utk sekian lana,nw kna pkai balik.heheh

p/s:key yg sangat hebat ea adik2..

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