Sunday, August 25, 2013

questions #1

this question been ringing in my head like few days ago, when i was in the car with my bro during heavy rain, lighting here and there. so, i've been asking him "wont we get electrified if they stay in the car during these heavy storm?" and for approx. 20 seconds i feel proud asking such a brilliant question haha*chin up*.

so my -national lighting safety institute- brother said to me that's why the car is invented so shiny-miny and from metal to conduct the lighting from the ground and saves our so-precious-yet-lazy lives.and he said he learned this in secondary school. the proud sensation i felt just now wilted and i was left in agony thinking what i've done in my old schooldays except going outing, hating pimples and having a boring braces life.but it didnt stop me there, i even made research! so i've found this:

Myth: Lightning never strikes the same place twice.
Fact: Lightning often strikes the same place repeatedly, especially if it's a tall, pointy, isolated object. The Empire State Building was once used as a lightning laboratory, since it's hit nearly 25 times per year.

Myth: If it's not raining, or if clouds aren't overhead, you're safe from lightning.
Fact: Lightning often strikes more than three miles from the thunderstorm, far outside the rain or even thunderstorm cloud. "Bolts from the Blue," though infrequent, can strike 10-15 miles from the thunderstorm. Anvil lightning can strike the ground over 50 miles from the thunderstorm, under extreme conditions.

Myth: Rubber tires protect you from lightning in a car by insulating you from the ground.
Fact: Most cars are reasonably safe from lightning, but it's the metal roof and metal sides that protect you, not the rubber tires. Thus convertibles, motorcycles, bikes, open shelled outdoor recreation vehicles, and cars with plastic or fiberglass shells offer no lightning protection.

Myth: A lightning victim is electrified. If you touch them, you'll be electrocuted.
Fact: The human body doesn't store electricity. It is perfectly safe to touch a lightning victim to give them first aid.

Myth: If outside in a thunderstorm, go under a tree to stay dry.
Fact: Being underneath trees is the second leading activity for lightning casualties.

Myth: A house will keep you safe from lightning.
Fact: While a house is a good place for lightning safety, just going inside isn't enough. You must avoid any conducting path leading outside, such as corded telephones, electrical appliances, wires, TV cables, plumbing, metal doors or window frames, etc. Don't stand near a window to watch the lightning. An inside room is generally best.

Myth: Wearing metal on your body (jewelry, watches, glasses, backpacks, etc.), attracts lightning.
Fact: Height, pointy shape, and isolation are the dominant factors controlling where a lightning bolt will strike. The presence of metal makes virtually no difference where the lightning strikes. While metal doesn't attract lightning, touching or being near long metal objects (fences, railings, bleachers, vehicles, etc.) is still unsafe when thunderstorms are nearby. If lightning does happen to hit it, the metal can conduct the electricity a long distance and still electrocute you.

Myth: If trapped outside and lightning is about to strike, lay flat on the ground.
Fact: Lightning induces electric currents along the top of the ground that can be deadly over 100 feet away. While lying flat on the ground gets you as low as possible, it increases your chance of being hit by a ground current. The best combination of being low and touching the ground as little as possible is the 'lightning crouch': put your feet together, squat low, tuck your head, and cover your ears.

More Facts
  • Each spark of lightning can soar to 50,000 Degrees Fahrenheit.
  • There are 1,800 thunderstorms in progress at any given time on Earth.
  • Lightning has been known to strike 10 miles from the storm in an area of clear sky above.
  • The longest bolt of lightning seen to date was 118 miles long. It was seen in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area.
  • Lightning strikes 30 million points on the ground in a given year in the U.S.
  • Lightning injures approximately 1,000 people each year
so. Mr.know-it-all-G gave me this.quite useful information there. and it throw away my agony and makes me useful and love channing tatum  again :) -though tatum seem irrelevant there.chins up!

ps: how about cars with carbon coating? i guess when it buzz me more then i'll find the truth behind it.mind the grammars too pls

1) hearts

i want to post about the questions that i have about life. my first curiosity is about the heart of a human.
how weird the heart is,sometimes we love a person we feel like we're gonna die of loving him, the other time the love suddenly gone and the one left were the memories, but the feeling has totally changed. i guess somehow it happens to somebody or everybody, including me. few years back, i was madly in this so called crazy love with someone, to the extent that when he sneezes, i super seriously feel that it was a very beautiful sneeze(thats why its called crazy ok!). if he even gave me a paperclip, it feels as if i just got gold enough for my entire life!
then, when something happened and we were apart, everything seems stupid and insignificant. life is dull and heartbreak really does hurts, though it doesnt bleed. i thought that i wanted an apology and everything can be normal and we could again, laughing like friend we used to be. by that time i know what " 'we can still be friends' is like saying 'our cat died but we can still keep it'" means.

and then,after all the romance episodes, we become strangers, again.

however, guess thats how life is. there must a bitter part somewhere we have to face it. what we can do is to go on, improve ourselves so that everyday is a better day for us.people change, they come and go, the one that stay must decide to fall or to rise, to break or to shine, to be weaker or stronger.

no one can make you feel inferior without your consent-eleanor roosevelt
so don't give your consent easily guys. stand,chin,smile-up!. tomorrow will be a better day!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Assalamualaikum w.b.t…
nowadays kes-kes ragut,rompak,buli,cabul, even diganggu binatang berbahaya semakin banyak. Jadi,kita semua especially girls haruslah sediakan payung sebelum hujan gitu..kami ada menjual pepper spray atau penyembur serbuk cili sbg satu alternatif untuk mempertahankan diri dari sbrg unsur-unsur menakutkan ini!

  • Pepper spray juga dikenali sebagai gas OC (Oleoresin Capsicum Spray) dimana bahan2 termasuklah cili.
  • Semburan akan menyebabkan kecacataan sementara, batuk,pening kepada penyerang dan memberi masa kepada mangsa utk melarikan diri.Kesan semburan tahan dalam 30minit.
·    Efektif,mudah dibawa,senang digunakan. Rekabentuk terkini hehe

Get your Little Ninja for secret weapon here!For best price,pm me ,msg or whatsapp 0193049487.Suit up for your safety girls, and boys!

Monday, July 15, 2013

1000 malam

Hujan renyai- renyai dari luar jendela rumahnya. Kanak –kanak kecil itu masih kaku di bawah pohon kelapa. Ada butir jernih di bibir matanya. Dia sudah jemu memanggil ayahnya. Fikirannya masih bingung memikirkan jasad ayahnya yang ditimbus tanah oleh penduduk kampung. Berkali –kali dia menangis meraung memanggil nama ayahnya tapi neneknya juga hanya menangis sambil memeluk tubuhnya. Kini yang tinggal hanyalah neneknya yang sudah tua itu untuk menjaganya. Dia menangis lagi mengenangkan ayahnya yang tiada lagi.

“budak, apa kau buat dekat sini?” satu suara menyergahnya dari belakang. Dia hanya diam membisu.

“kau nama apa?”Tanya budak lelaki itu lagi. dia terus duduk di tepi Lina. Lina hanya memandangnya.Akif kembali memandang Lina. Neneknya mengajaknya ke kampung tersebut kerana kata neneknya kawannya meninggal. Kebetulan pula hari ini Puan Azleen menyuruh mereka melukis flora dan fauna, dia terus sahaja meminta kebenaran neneknya untuk berjalan-jalan di kawasan sekitar. Cari ilham fikirnya.

“Lina. Nenek kita kata ayah kita dah tak ada. Ada orang masukkan dia dalam tanah!” Lina kembali menangis. Walaupun Lina sudah petah berkata-kata, tapi dia masih bingung. Ayahnya juga pernah berkata ibunya sudah tidak ada.

“Janganlah nangis macam ni. Tak lawalah.Ayah awak dah tak ada da sebab Tuhan lagi sayang dekat ayah awak. Nanti kalau awak jadi budak baik,nanti mesti awak boleh jumpa ayah awak di syurga.”Akif cuba menenangkan Lina yang masih menangis.

“syurga tu cantik tak?” Tanya Lina. Tangisnya mulai surut.

“ustaz saya kata cantik sangat-sangat. Sebab tu kita kena jadi budak baik, baru dapat masuk syurga. Hujan ni, cepat balik rumah awak nanti demam.” Akif terus memujuk Lina dan memintanya pulang.Lina perlahan-lahan bangun dan mengorak langkah untuk pulang.

“tunggu!” terus membuka beg galasnya dan mengambil seutas gelang yang terdiri daripada beberapa biji manik- manik besar berwarna-warni bersama sebiji huruf A yang digantung bersama. Asalnya dia membelinya untuk diberikan kepada Amira, rakan sekelasnya yang cantik itu namun si Najmi memberitahunya dia tu sukakan Amira lantas hasratnya terus terbantut.tambahan pula mereka baru darjah enam,percuma aje dicubit neneknya kalau diketahui dia sudah gatal mahu mengurat Amira itu. ‘Walaupun tidaklah begitu cantik, mungkin boleh gembirakan hati budak ini.’ Getus hatinya.Lina berhenti dan memandangnya.Akif memakaikan gelang tersebut di tangannya.

“ Hadiah. Janganlah sedih-sedih lagi. Lina lagi cantik macam ini”.Lina mulai mengukir senyum di bibirnya. Hatinya berbunga.

“Terima kasih. Bila lagi boleh jumpa awak?”Tanya Lina. Dia sudah mulai tersenyum.

“budak lelaki yang handsome macam saya ni ,awak boleh nampak setiap 1000 malam je. Jadi awak kena la kira elok-elok sampai 1000 tau.hahaha”. seloroh Akif. Lina hanya tersenyum dan berlari pulang.